If you wish to submit an abuse report, please email servers4stream’s Abuse Department, with the specific details regarding the abuse in question. Please be aware that we only process valid abuse reports completed according the instructions described in this document.
servers4stream takes matters of abuse very seriously and makes every effort to work with reporters of abuse to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. In an effort to automate our abuse management system, we utilize AbuseIO to automatically import/assign/report content. If your report doesn't end up in AbuseIO, it is because the system was unable to parse your email. Non-parsed abuse will end up in our abuse queue for manual review, and therefore may take longer than normal to be addressed.
We require the following details in order to process cases of abuse:
Abuse case submissions that do not comply with the afore-mentioned requirements, will be automatically discarded.
Once an abuse case is received, we will forward it to the servers4stream customer (in most cases a servers4stream reseller). The customer must comply within 48 hours according to our Terms of Service. If servers4stream's customer fails to comply within the given timeframe, we will null-route (black hole) the reported IP.
Send your completed abuse complaint to the following mail address: abuse[at]servers4.stream